I created this guide book for you to discover what’s possible when you become part of our "SHE HEALS TULSA" chiropractic and coaching program!
Please give my team and I 24 to 48 hours to review your application.
If you are approved, then my Assistant, Liz, will call or text you a convenient online scheduling link for a full interview to see if you’re the right fit for this exclusive program.
MAKE SURE YOU READ THE eBOOK above. I can’t emphasize this enough... it’s literally the foundational secrets of redefining what it truly means to be fully engaged, healthy, and happy (...and the beginning of YOUR future Happy Ever After Life Story, as you’ll soon discover!!)
We anticipate receiving a lot of applications. We will review your application, and if you’re the right fit for our exclusive chiropractic + coaching program, then we’ll give you a call for a full interview.
But if you want to skip the waiting time and get your application reviewed immediately, then you can call us right now at:
Please note: contacting us directly does not guarantee you’ll be accepted into the program, but it does guarantee we will pause other applications and review yours first!