(No Video Today. That’s a change.)

You can best be known as a Change Master. Now, I’m not talking about being able to exchange dollars and cents for a $20 bill. But what I’m proposing here is an art that allows you to exchange your dollars and cents, and value change that leads to a common sense increase that raises your bottom line.

Even if you’re at rock bottom, YOU CAN ROCK YOUR BOTTOM.

Many say that they “don’t like change”; however, without it, you and I would still be in diapers and waiting for someone to feed us.

Perhaps you still feel like this at times. Do you find yourself waiting for someone to feed you…throw you a bone…the phone to ring…love you…someone to buy what you’re selling.

If this is you, then it’s time to become a Change Master.

Start with making love to change. That’s right, no more fearing, running from or waiting for it. Pursue change like you would the most romantic love story. The kind that really does deliver “happily ever after.”

These 3 powerful pick up lines will lead you to the answers you seek, and pick you up today.

  1. Where are you?

Locate yourself. Take an honest look at where you currently are in life, compared to where you desire to be. Then stop comparing and begin to take steps in the direction you choose.

Remember, you’re never stuck if you can rejoice where you are. Often we’re not happy where we are because we’re not fully engaged and present in the present.

Where are you right now?

See it. Give thanks for it. Look within and recognize that somewhere along life’s journey you chose to go where you are. Look ahead and make a plan for getting there. Because let’s face it, even if you love where you are…life doesn’t stand still and neither will you. Stand. Still. And keep moving forward.

If you’ve ever been on a vacation or even made a pan of cookies, you know exactly how to see where you’re going and make necessary preparations to get there.

  1. What do you desire?

Love yourself enough to allow your heart to speak openly and honestly. Focus on what you truly desire, not what you think you can or should or could. Instead, decide what you really can do because you are willing to do it now.

  1. What are you willing to let go or receive right now to do something today that matters to you?

Dare to see possibility in the midst of the problem, and find solutions in the situation.

I’ve become a Change Master by seeing what is, what can be, and who I’m being in the life I choose to live. And then making conscious decisions, while taking fully aware action based on these truths. You can too.

Change is inevitable. Suffering is optional. Allow tides to lift your boat and become your love boat. Make love with change. Make money with change. Transform your life and life’s work today.

Love yourself well and others will too.
